About ESE

Equal Student Exchange (ESE) is a volunteer-based student network which provides free information about student exchange and study overseas opportunities.

Focusing on providing information to students from developing countries, ESE acknowledges the financial and organisational obstacles these students must often come to face. It is the belief of ESE that both universities and students can benefit through international engagement. A more culturally diverse range of international students will contribute to the continued exchange of knowledge, ideas and culture between different universities and countries.

The volunteers of ESE recognize the importance of establishing enduring educational, cultural and professional links through student exchange.

Follow this link for more in-depth information About Us.

Thursday, 10 January 2013


Join The Most Rewarding Summer Academy: UNISCA!

UNISCA is a Model United Nations (MUN) organised by the University of Amsterdam. It is a program which consists of a two week long Summer Academy, in which a simulation of an United Nations Conference takes place.

The Summer Academy, UNISCA is open for students of all universities and offers programmes for both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. UNISCA is an interdisciplinary course worth 6 ECs based on the Model United Nations principle. The academic accreditation of 6 ECs makes UNISCA unique in comparison to other MUN organisations.

UNISCA comprises of two weeks, which each have a different goal. The first week (lecture week) is a preparatory week in which all participants partake in lectures and workshops in preparation for the Conference. The second week is all about the Conference (conference week). During the Conference, students represent a country during a fully-fledged United Nations Conference simulation. Resolutions are to be written, coalitions will be made or broken and an international court case will be simulated. All these events will be reviewed, reported and commented upon by the Press Department via a daily newspaper.

Throughout the Conference, UNISCA will provide an evening programme for relaxation after a long day’s work. In short, UNISCA combines an invaluable academic opportunity with the possibility to expand your network with people from all over the world.
Students can participate in UNISCA in different positions:

- United Nations delegate in  one of the 4 Committees or the Security Council.
- United Nations Committee or Security Council
- International Court of Justice Moot Court
- International Court of Justice Moot Court
 journalist in the UNISCA Press Department.
- Chief Editor in the UNISCA Press Department.

Application deadlines:
  • Delegate Programme: There are 20 positions left! Please register fast, we will be accepting delegates on a first come, first served basis.
  • Chair Programme: The deadline has passed. Master’s students can also apply for the delegate programme. The downside is that you won’t be able to use the study credits. The upside is that you can still have the best time at the UNISCA conference!
  • Lawyer Programme: There are some lawyer positions open, please contact us for more information.
  • Judge Programme: The deadline has passed.
  • Journalist Programme: We are still looking for writing talent. If you’re interested in journalism and politics, please do apply.
Contact UNISCA at secretary@unisca.org

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About Me

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"Equal Student Exchange" (ESE) - non-profit/grassroots community, is a student network made up of students who want to help make international student exchange a more equal process. We hope to do this by assisting students from developing countries gain access to information and opportunities about studying/vocational experience overseas. Our audience is primarily students who want to study/travel overseas. The information we provide may include advice about: *International Universities, *Costs and fees (travel/living/study), *Procedures for obtaining Visas, *Possible support through scholarships and grants, *General tourism information, *Other study overseas opportunities Programs and conferences overseas. *international conferences Benefits and Opportunities: This is an opportunity to bring local and international students together, make new friends and give students from developing countries the same opportunities that are enjoyed by students from advanced developed countries. The group also encourages international students to contribute back to the university and community which is hosting them.