About ESE

Equal Student Exchange (ESE) is a volunteer-based student network which provides free information about student exchange and study overseas opportunities.

Focusing on providing information to students from developing countries, ESE acknowledges the financial and organisational obstacles these students must often come to face. It is the belief of ESE that both universities and students can benefit through international engagement. A more culturally diverse range of international students will contribute to the continued exchange of knowledge, ideas and culture between different universities and countries.

The volunteers of ESE recognize the importance of establishing enduring educational, cultural and professional links through student exchange.

Follow this link for more in-depth information About Us.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

The 2016 Youth Assembly at the United Nations

Youth Assembly Overview

The Youth Assembly at the United Nations (YA@UN) is a unique platform created to foster dialogue and generate partnerships between exceptional youth, UN high officials and staff, private sector, and civil society. We are committed to empowering youth to become active participants in the success of the UN Millennium Development Goals and the transition to the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
Program: Winter YA 2016 – 2 Full Days at the United Nations Headquarters, NYC, USA; Resolution Project new Social Venture Awards through Competitions for University-level Delegates, more.

Agenda: Transforming Our World: The Role of Youth in the Implementation of the SDGs.
Date: February 18-19, 2016
Platform: Plenary sessions, Workshops, Round table Discussions, Networking, New Social Venture Competitions, MDG Related Skills Building and Campaign Introductions
Leadership: Renowned speakers and expert workshop facilitators; U.N. Staff participation at sessions; Young leaders like yourself from around the world; Intergenerational Leadership Exchanges

Why attend?

  • To learn about the United Nations
  • To become involved in the success of the UN’s Post-2015 Agenda for Development
  • To hear great speakers and workshop leaders
  • To voice your opinions on the urgent issues of today and help make a permanent impact throughout the world
  • To meet other dedicated young people from all over the world 
Want to register?
Registration link (Opens October 1st, 2015 and close )

Eligibility: who may apply?

  • Youth Leaders and those who wish to become leaders, ages 16-24+
  • Advanced Youth Leaders and Young Professionals engaged in the United Nations or MDG studies, internship, fellowships or early work stages, ages 18-28+
  • Applicants under 16 years old are NOT eligible and will not be accepted.

If you are part of a group interested in attending the Youth Assembly, please apply together using the group application form. Note that you must have at least 15 members or more to apply as a group; if you have less than 15 members, please submit individual applications for each group member. Back to top

Costs and Support
Travel and accommodation must be arranged by the participant themselves.

While the United Nations facilities for the Assembly cannot provide funding for participants - they have provided this useful Fundraising Guide. We hope it helps you ESE followers. 
Key Dates

Language:All events at the Youth Assembly are carried out in English.
Interpretation is available, at a cost to participant.

Yes, it has been a while since our last article... 
The ESE team, just like our primary target audience, are, were, and will be - students ~ this means we have faced the same time commitments that many of you have. Since our last correspondence, our team members have been finishing university assignments, research theses, applying for jobs and securing full-time work. Now that we have secured full-time work we will have more of a routine schedule in which to set aside time for our favorite project, Equal Student Exchange (ESE)...

Thank you for remaining a patient member of our community over the years (hard to believe it's been four years since we started this information sharing community). Looking forward to working with more aspiring students from disadvantaged and developing contexts.

Stay tuned... 

For more information about scholarships, study opportunities and student experiences, don’t forget to follow our social media:
join and follow our ESE blog through the link below.


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About Me

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"Equal Student Exchange" (ESE) - non-profit/grassroots community, is a student network made up of students who want to help make international student exchange a more equal process. We hope to do this by assisting students from developing countries gain access to information and opportunities about studying/vocational experience overseas. Our audience is primarily students who want to study/travel overseas. The information we provide may include advice about: *International Universities, *Costs and fees (travel/living/study), *Procedures for obtaining Visas, *Possible support through scholarships and grants, *General tourism information, *Other study overseas opportunities Programs and conferences overseas. *international conferences Benefits and Opportunities: This is an opportunity to bring local and international students together, make new friends and give students from developing countries the same opportunities that are enjoyed by students from advanced developed countries. The group also encourages international students to contribute back to the university and community which is hosting them.