Located in the mountainous Alps is one of the first countries
ever explored by Equal Student Exchange (ESE); this month’s article does its
best to bring ESE readers to Austria.
Wikicommons: Photo by Martin Fröjdh, 7/1 2004
In July ~ ESE looks at the various opportunities available for
students from developing countries hoping to study in Austria.
In terms of internationally renowned universities, Austria
offers a range of disciplines and study options:
- general classical universities,
- medical universities
- universities of technology
- a university of economics,
- veterinary medicine
- natural resources
- applied life sciences
- a university of mining as well
- universities of the arts
See www.studienwahl.at
for an overview (in Austrian).
Austria also offers a range of institutional options
- Private Universities - see www.privatuniversitaeten.at for further information (in Austrian).
- Universities of Applied Sciences – career oriented and practical training units
- Teachers Colleges (Universities of Teacher Education)
- University Preparation Programs – to prepare international students with admission of an Austrian university for supplementary examinations. Offering courses in German as a foreign language and English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography.
- University Training/Level Courses – these courses focus towards specific areas of knowledge in order to provide supplementary qualifications in specific areas.
- International Study Programs – offering degrees in foreign languages or joint double degree programs.
Another great resource and organisation for students hoping to study in Austria is the OeAD. The OeAD is the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research. The primary functions of the OeAD are to advise, promote and support international cooperation in education, science and research.
- The OeAD is also responsible for:
- The initiation and operation of programs as a full-service provider.
- The coordination of the international higher education marketing and representation of the education and research of Austria worldwide.
- Supporting international activities and the exchange of people of all ages and educational levels.
- Supporting institutional cooperation in Europe and worldwide.
- Promotion and export of Austrian education.
ESE recommends that those students who are interested in international exchange programs in Austria use the OeAD search tool provided here. It is also possible to gain descriptions of all international programs recorded by OeAD here.
OeAD Programs and
- Summer Courses
- Summer Schools
- Summerkollegs
- Grants Database
- EU-Third Countries and Collaboration Programs
EU Frameworks:
The EU plus Team organises- the ERASMUS MUNDUS National Structure
- the TEMPUS Coordination Office
- the EU plus Team advises and informs about financial support options in the EU - Third Countries Educational Collaboration Programmes in the field of higher education
- provides support with the application
- accompanies and administers approved projects
- cross-links projects as well as stakeholders
- documents project results
- organises seminars and workshops
- compiles data material
Collaborative Programs:
cooperation and mobility programme with the whole world or certain regions
- TEMPUS IV: cooperation programme with the West
Balkans, the former Soviet Union and the riparian countries of the
- EDULINK II: cooperation programme with Africa,
the Caribbean and the Pacific Area
- ALFA III: cooperation programme with Latin Americ
Vienna is the cultural, political and economic centre of Austria. It is also considered the City of Music because of its musical legacy. Vienna is also said to be "The City of Dreams" because it was home to the world's first psycho-analyst - Sigmund Freud.
The Historic centre of Vienna is rich in architectural ensembles, including Baroque castles and gardens, as well as the late-19th-century Ringstrasse lined with grand buildings, monuments and parks.
Wiki Commons: David Koester - David Koester Photography
Offering both English and German-taught courses, the IESAbroad Vienna European Society & Culture program allows you to study the
culture, history, business, and politics of a region that continues to play a
major role on the world stage.
Open to students at all language levels, our program brings more
than 60 years of experience to a variety of unique courses taught by faculty
from top European institutions. Courses are clustered into the following
- PROGRAM CREDITS: 15-19 per semester (5-6 courses)
The Austrian Academic Exchange Service provides
an overview about studying in Austria.
Contact details for the Austrian Academic
Exchange Service
Alserstrasse 4/1/15/6+7,
A-1090 Vienna
Tel: (+43/1) 4277 28180, Fax: (+43/1) 4277 28195
The FHR is a government agency that is responsible for
external quality assurance (accreditation and evaluation) in the Austrian FH sector.
The FH Council consists of 16 members, half of the members must be
scientifically recognized by a habilitation, and the other half must have
evidence of several years of work in the relevant college courses professional
Equal Student Recommendation: ESE’s old friend,
the (Austria) scholarship search tool
Are you looking for a scholarship or research grant?
www.grants.at, Austria's
most comprehensive database for scholarships and research grants in German and
English language, offers you at a glance:
- worldwide grants for Austrian students, graduates and researchers
- grants for international students, graduates and researchers in Austria
- research grants, prizes and practical training courses in Austria and all over the world
- national grants and universities' individual grants
Fellowship Research Programme
The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS)
Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering
10-month residencies in one of the 16 participating Institutes: Berlin,
Bologna, Brussels, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Freiburg, Helsinki,
Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich. The
Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of
outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and
research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary
and international community of first-rate scholars.
At the time of the application, researchers must be in
possession of a doctoral degree plus 2 years of full-time research experience
after the degree. Exception is made for Law scholars who are eligible with a
Master +6 years of full-time research experience after the degree. (PhD
training is not considered in the calculation of experience).
Researchers from all countries are eligible to the programme
but applicants cannot apply to an institute located in their country of
nationality or residence. Exception is made for applicants who have not spent
more than 12 months in their country of nationality or residence during the
last 3 years prior to the application.
EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the
humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in life and
exact sciences, provided that their proposed research project does not require
laboratory facilities and that it interfaces with humanities and social
sciences. The diversity of the 16 participating IAS offers a wide range of
possible research contexts in Europe for worldwide scholars. Applicants may
select up to three IAS outside their country of nationality or residence as
possible host institutions.
The Programme welcomes applications worldwide from promising
young scholars as well as from leading senior researchers. The EURIAS selection
process has proven to be highly competitive. In order to match the Programme
standards, applicants have to submit a solid and innovative research proposal,
to demonstrate the ability to forge beyond disciplinary specialisation, to show
an international commitment as well as quality publications in high-impact
For the 2014-2015 academic year, EURIAS offers 39
fellowships (20 junior and 19 senior positions).
All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the
provision of a living allowance (in the range of € 26,000 for a junior fellow
and € 38,000 for a senior fellow), accommodation (or a mobility allowance), a
research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.
- Applications are submitted online via www.eurias-fp.eu, where, you will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, etc.
- The deadline for application is July 5th, 2013. Late applications will not be considered.
- Scientific assessment by two international referees
- Pre-selection by the EURIAS international Scientific Committee
- Final selection by the IAS academic boards
- Publication of results (January 2014)
· Application deadline → July 5th, 2013
· Results of the preselection by EURIAS Scientific
Committee → Mid-October, 2013
· Publication of IAS final selections → Mid-January,
· Arrival of fellows → September/October 2014
Please check on the following pages :
How to
apply (Deadline 5 July)
- Candidates apply exclusively through the online application system.
- Paper applications are not accepted.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Late applications will not be considered.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Eurias Fellows (program alumni)
Wikimedia Commons Author: Gryffindor
Austrian Universities:ESE provides a short list of Austrian Universities with links to scholarship opportunities - this list is far from comprehensive and will continue to be updated over time.
University of Innsbruck
- Erasmus Incoming Students
- Erasmus Incoming Guide
- Guidelines for international students
- Admissions Department
- Masters - admissions, scholarships, IELTS/TOEFL info
- Scholarship - Africa/Asia
- Send your questions to the International Relations Office here
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
- General Scholarships
- Financial Aid for Student Mobility
- Foreign Study Scholarships
- OAD Scholarships Austrian Agency for International Mobility
- Student Diversity
- German Language Requirements
Diplomatic Academic of Vienna
Medical University of Vienna
International Students (in German)
International University of Vienna
- Scholarships
- International Officer Programs
- Student Point-Information and Services
- International Report
Vienna University of Economics and Business
- International Office
- Incoming Students
- Grants Overview
- Mobility for PhD
- Merit Based Scholarships (booklet)
- Needs-based Scholarships
- Joint Programs
Vienna University of Technology
Sigmund Freud University
FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds – The Austrian Science Fund (postdoctoral grants)
EMBO - excellence in life sciences - maintains this
information platform on funding, training and jobs for European life scientists
and those who want to come to Europe. This website has approx. 26,000 visitors
per month.
The Austrian
National Student Union provides tips, advice about broad range of topics
related to student life in Austria.
- Study Legal Information
- Advice for Universities of Education
- Counseling for colleges
- Telephone: 01/585 33 33
- Housing Law Advice
- Social Fund
- Studying in Austria for Foreign Students
Welcome! We are happy to offer advice for those who are already
studying at an Austrian university and also those who want to start studying
here. We are able to answer questions relating to visa application for
admission, the acquisition of knowledge of German, questions about tuition and
other areas.
Contact Office for Foreign Students:
- auslaenderInnenreferat@oeh.ac.at
- federal student union representation
- deaf 7-9, 4 Stock
- 1040 Vienna
- Tel: 01 310 88 80-65
- Fax: 01 310 88 80-36
The purpose of the "Researcher's Mobility Portal
Austria" is to create a more favourable environment for career development
opportunities for researchers by providing access through links to a selection
of international (via the "pan-European Researcher's Mobility
Portal"), national, regional and sectoral web resources covering:
Students from third
Students from third countries are allowed to enter and stay
in Austria for a residence permit for the purpose of training. Basically, the
application for a residence permit before traveling to Austria abroad is to
apply (embassy or consulate) at the competent Austrian representation
authority. Students of Japanese and U.S. origin and visa-free entry to all
authorized parties can submit the application in Austria. More information » residence permit foreign students -
Request for "Declaration on the residence permit
foreign students
With the application include the following documents are
- · Fully completed and signed Antragsforumlar to grant a residence permit
- · current photo
- · valid passport (copy of all pages)
- · Birth certificate (copy)
- · Admission (admission letter) of the University of Applied Sciences
- · police certificate
- · Proof of sufficient financial means
The residence permit must be renewed before the expiry of
their validity. Students from third countries need a work permit for all the
Aliens Employment Act underlying dependent Erwerbstägigkeiten. The work permit
must be applied for by the employer, the Public Employment Service (AMS). In
most cases, work permits are only issued for minor activities.
If admission to the FH-degree program is not yet available
and the applicant ends visa fee, must be submitted along with the residence
permit for a visa. The residence permit will be handed over only after actual
approval of the competent national authority.
For more information
» Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
» Amtshelfer for Austria (help.gv.at)
» Employment Service Austria (AMS)
» Austrian National Union of Students (Student Union)
» Amtshelfer for Austria (help.gv.at)
» Employment Service Austria (AMS)
» Austrian National Union of Students (Student Union)
Wikimedia Commons: Author Dhm03
If you are interested in searching for other scholarships, study opportunities and student experiences in other countries, don’t forget to join and follow our ESE blog.
Good luck!
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