About ESE
Equal Student Exchange (ESE) is a volunteer-based student network which provides free information about student exchange and study overseas opportunities.
Focusing on providing information to students from developing countries, ESE acknowledges the financial and organisational obstacles these students must often come to face. It is the belief of ESE that both universities and students can benefit through international engagement. A more culturally diverse range of international students will contribute to the continued exchange of knowledge, ideas and culture between different universities and countries.
The volunteers of ESE recognize the importance of establishing enduring educational, cultural and professional links through student exchange.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Pameran ESE 2012
Pameran Equal Student Exchange (ESE) 2012.
Taggal: Hari Minggu 11, November, 2012
Time: 14.00-20.00
Place: Halaman Purna Budaya (PKKH) Buluksumur UGM
Komunitas Mahasiswa Equal Student Exchange (ESE) senang mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mengadakan Pameran Exchange yang kedua di Indonesia. Silahkan membaca lanjut tentang kegiatannya di facebook.
Mirip seperti Pameran ESE tahun kemarin, Pameran ESE 2012 akan diselenggarakan oleh mahasiswa untuk mahasiswa. Kegiatan tersebut akan diadakan di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Kegiatannya akan sambutan mahasiswa dari seluruh Yogyakarta untuk belajar tentang kesempatan kuliah ke luar negeri. Mahasiswa juga diundang untuk mencari informasi tentang studi internasional dan kesempatan beasiswa. Equal Student Exchange (ESE) akan diwakili oleh gerakan 'grassroots' yang terdiri dari mahasiswa daerah yang sudah punya pengalaman internasional.
Ini bisa dianggap sebagai kemajuan dibandingkan tahun kemarin ketika Equal Student Exchange diwakili oleh lebih banyak mahasiswa asing. Sekarang, proporsi terutama Komunitas ESE Indonesia, dibuat dari mahasiswa yang berasal dari Indonesia. Perwakilan lebih besar bagi mahasiswa Indonesia merupakan kecendurungan kepada pendekatan kepada Komunitas Equal Student Exchange yang lebih kebelanjutan. Semua mahasiswa dalam komunitas tersebut memiliki keinginan untuk berkontribusi kepada komunitas mahasiswa yang lebih luas. Mereka akan membantu melalui berbagi informasi tentang pengalaman mereka sendiri ketika mereka kuliah di luar negeri.
Setelah ketertarikan dan permintaan luas dari komunitas mahasiswa Indonesia pada tahun 2011, Equal Student Exchange senang berkontribusi lagi melalui mengulangi kegiatan ini. Kegiatan ini, namun Equal Student Exchange Fair akan diadakan dengan kerjasama festival kuliner dan kebudayaan di UGM (GAMAFEST).
Informasi lebih lanjut:
(ESE) Equal Student Exchange Fair
(Pameran dengan informasi tentang kesempatan belajar di luar negeri)
(Pameran dengan informasi tentang kesempatan belajar di luar negeri)
Community Page: http://www.facebook.com/equalstudentexchange.ESE
Kelompok Indonesia:
Bertemu teman-teman baru mahasiswa dengan pengalaman internasional yang akan berbagi informasi tentang berbagai kesempatan belajar di luar negeri. Kami menyediakan informasi gratis mengenai kesempatan SMA, S1, S2, S3 dan kursus lain di luar negeri. Juga menemukan inforamsi tentang:
• universitas
• beasiswa
• hidup di luar negeri
• saran untuk berpariwisata
• sistem belajar yang berbeda
Kalau anda mau mendapat kesempatan:
• Perjalanan ke luar negeri sambil belajar
• Menerima sks di universitas internasional
• Belajar bahasa baru dalam konteksnya
• Mendapat pengalaman internasional
• Bertemu banyak teman internasional
Jika kesempatan-kesempatan ini sangat menarik bagi anda, silahkan datang ke Equal Student Exchange Fair (Pameran ESE).
Acara ini akan diadakan dengan kerjasama UGM International Food Festival and Art Performance (GAMAFEST).
Di GAMAFEST kita mendapat kesempatan bertemu banyak teman baru dari luar negeri. Kita akan melihat pameran kebudayaan dari banyak negara berbeda. Kita juga dapat mengikuti tur kuliner yang memiliki beraneka ragam makan banyak makanan khas dari Negara-negara yang berpartisipasi dalam festival ini..
Untuk menghubungi kami:
(harganya masuk GAMAFEST adalah donasi)
Kelompok Indonesia:
Bertemu teman-teman baru mahasiswa dengan pengalaman internasional yang akan berbagi informasi tentang berbagai kesempatan belajar di luar negeri. Kami menyediakan informasi gratis mengenai kesempatan SMA, S1, S2, S3 dan kursus lain di luar negeri. Juga menemukan inforamsi tentang:
• universitas
• beasiswa
• hidup di luar negeri
• saran untuk berpariwisata
• sistem belajar yang berbeda
Kalau anda mau mendapat kesempatan:
• Perjalanan ke luar negeri sambil belajar
• Menerima sks di universitas internasional
• Belajar bahasa baru dalam konteksnya
• Mendapat pengalaman internasional
• Bertemu banyak teman internasional
Jika kesempatan-kesempatan ini sangat menarik bagi anda, silahkan datang ke Equal Student Exchange Fair (Pameran ESE).
Acara ini akan diadakan dengan kerjasama UGM International Food Festival and Art Performance (GAMAFEST).
Di GAMAFEST kita mendapat kesempatan bertemu banyak teman baru dari luar negeri. Kita akan melihat pameran kebudayaan dari banyak negara berbeda. Kita juga dapat mengikuti tur kuliner yang memiliki beraneka ragam makan banyak makanan khas dari Negara-negara yang berpartisipasi dalam festival ini..
Untuk menghubungi kami:
(harganya masuk GAMAFEST adalah donasi)
ESE Fair 2012
The Second Equal Student Exchange (ESE) Exchange Fair.
Date: Sunday 11, November, 2012
Time: 14.00-20.00
Place: Halaman Purna Budaya (PKKH) Buluksumur UGM.
Equal Student Exchange (ESE) is pleased to announce that the student group will be holding its second exchange fair in Indonesia. Read more about this event on facebook.
Similar to last year's exchange fair, the 2012 event is organised by students for students. Held at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the event is set to welcome students from throughout the city of Yogyakarta to learn about international study and scholarship opportunities. Throughout the day, Equal Student Exchange (ESE) will be represented by a grassroots movement of local students.
This can be seen as a progression from the past year where Equal Student Exchange was represented mainly by international students and supported by some local Indonesian students. The greater representation of local Indonesian students signals a shift towards a more sustainable local equal student exchange community. All of these students share a belief in contributing to the wider student community by sharing information about their own experiences of studying overseas.
Following the widespread interest and demand for information from the local student community in Yogyakarta in 2011, Equal Student Exchange is proud to once again contribute to the local student community in Indonesia. Now with the preparation for the second ESE Fair underway, our community hopes that the Equal Student Exchange Fair will become an annual event as a part of UGM's international culture and food festival (GAMAFEST).
Also find information about:• universities
• scholarships
• life overseas
• sights, activities and attractions (tourism)
• different systems of learning
If you would like the oppportunity to:
• Travel overseas while studying
gain access to scholarship support.
• Receive university credit overseas
• Learn a new language in an immersion context
• Gain international experience / add international value to your degree
• Meet many new friends from overseas
If any of these opportunities interest you, simply come and attend the Equal Student Exchange Fair. This event will be held in cooperation with the UGM International Food and Culture Festival (GAMAFEST).
Within GAMAFEST we also gain the opportunity to meet many new friends from overseas. The event will display a wide range of cultures from many different countries. We also gain access to a culinary tour with many different specialty foods from various countries which participate in the festival.
To contact us: Equal.student.exchange@gma
For more info about GAMAFEST contact:
(The cost of entering GAMAFEST involves a small/coin donation)
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Equal Student Exchange's 1st Anniversary
Our first year of Equal Student Exchange (ESE)
Today (August the 18th, 2012) is Equal Student Exchange's first birthday. After only a year, we have already established an international network of students who all share the values of Equal Student Exchange.
Reflecting back on the last 12 months...
The (ESE) Community has already made a number of initiatives and activities of engaging with student groups and universities.
The beginning, a vision of a more equitable system of international education
In essence ESE emerged from a simple vision: that students from developing countries should be able to gain the same opportunities to study overseas as students from any other countries. This vision for an equal exchange of students could be seen as a response to the disparity in purchasing power parity between developing and developed countries, the clear lack of information about study and scholarship opportunities, the difficulties in overcoming other obstacles such as visas and other organisational processes.
An innovative approach
The idea to have student networks assist other students is not necessarily unheard of. What makes Equal Student Exchange unique is that it involves a grassroots, community-based approach in which students who have had the opportunity to study overseas and have joined our community, contribute back to both their host and home countries.
The Equal Student Exchange Fair
On November the 19th last year, our network held its first event: an Equal Student Exchange Fair. Like ESE, the event was organised by students for students. Held at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Indonesia, the event welcomed students from throughout the city of Yogyakarta to learn about international study and scholarship opportunities. Throughout the day, Equal Student Exchange (ESE) was represented by students from Australia, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea and Sweden. All of these students shared information about their home universities with the many local Indonesian students who visited our information display throughout the day. Overall, the Equal Student Exchange Fair received great interest from the local student community in Yogyakarta. We hope that this Equal Student Exchange Fair will become an annual event as a part of UGM's international culture and food festival (GAMAFEST).
Following the event representatives of Equal Student Exchange were invited to speak in various seminars and workshops about Equal Student Exchange, scholarships and study opportunities. ESE team members also helped to facilitate the Cross-Cultural Understanding Club (CCUC) at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Many acted as tutors and facilitators of the student society.
For these positive contributions to the student community of Yogyakarta, Equal Student Exchange was presented with an Award of Appreciation. The award was presented by the Rektor of Universitas Gadjah Mada to ESE in appreciation for the student network's positive contributions to the student community of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Information through social media
Since the Equal Student Exchange Fair some of the key members of the Equal Student Exchange Committee returned from their studies to their home university, La Trobe University in Melbourne. Equal Student Exchange has continued to provide information through a wide range of social media. Equal Student Exchange can now be found on facebook through our Community Page, our Indonesia Group Page, our Malaysia Group Page, twitter, LinkedIn and finally this ESE Blog.
Other recent events
Throughout the year, Equal Student Exchange has continued to support grassroots student initiatives and in particular, those events which have supported students from developing countries. These events have included:
The 18th Asia-Pacific Model United Nations (AMUNC2012)
Equal Student Exchange was involved in the facilitating the participation of more than 100 international delegates in attendance at AMUNC2012. ESE was able to reach student groups from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand, Mexico and the U.S. Notably, it was Equal Student Exchange which was first able to reach the attention of the Pacific region. ESE successfully made contact with the student community of the University of the South Pacific (Fiji Campus). Because of ESE's contribution AMUNC2012 was the first Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Conference to engage with the Pacific.
The Conference of Developing Countries Partnership's Scholars and Academics 2012
In collaboration with the International Students Association of the Non-Aligned Movement (ISANAM-KNB) and Universitas Gadjah Mada, this conference was held as a forum for the discussion of the wide range of issues which are faced by the developing world. As a partner of ISANAM-KNB, ESE was proud to be involved in the promotion and in support of the event.
The First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS)
The AAYS was the first event of its kind to be held in Australia. The event has opened a new pathway for dialogue and collaboration between the many different student councils of Southeast Asia in Australia. Overall the AAYS can be seen as beginning a process of building a strong foundation of cooperation between the Southeast Asian student representative bodies in Victoria and more widely throughout Australia. 103 delegates attended the event.
The AAYS was driven through a joint effort from the South East Asian student council bodies of Victoria and Australia. This included the Malaysian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Singaporean and Thai student councils. For more information, visit our article on the post-summit coverage of the event.
Final reflections and thoughts for the future:
Through this past year, Equal Student Exchange has been proud to contribute to the international student community and especially those student groups from developing countries who hope to study overseas. We have been glad to expand our networks, in gaining partnerships, affiliations and awards. We hope that we can continue to make these positive contributions.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and how to become further involved in Equal Student Exchange. For further information see the about us section or simply contact us.
The Equal Student Exchange Fair
On November the 19th last year, our network held its first event: an Equal Student Exchange Fair. Like ESE, the event was organised by students for students. Held at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Indonesia, the event welcomed students from throughout the city of Yogyakarta to learn about international study and scholarship opportunities. Throughout the day, Equal Student Exchange (ESE) was represented by students from Australia, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea and Sweden. All of these students shared information about their home universities with the many local Indonesian students who visited our information display throughout the day. Overall, the Equal Student Exchange Fair received great interest from the local student community in Yogyakarta. We hope that this Equal Student Exchange Fair will become an annual event as a part of UGM's international culture and food festival (GAMAFEST).
Following the event representatives of Equal Student Exchange were invited to speak in various seminars and workshops about Equal Student Exchange, scholarships and study opportunities. ESE team members also helped to facilitate the Cross-Cultural Understanding Club (CCUC) at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Many acted as tutors and facilitators of the student society.
For these positive contributions to the student community of Yogyakarta, Equal Student Exchange was presented with an Award of Appreciation. The award was presented by the Rektor of Universitas Gadjah Mada to ESE in appreciation for the student network's positive contributions to the student community of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Information through social media
Since the Equal Student Exchange Fair some of the key members of the Equal Student Exchange Committee returned from their studies to their home university, La Trobe University in Melbourne. Equal Student Exchange has continued to provide information through a wide range of social media. Equal Student Exchange can now be found on facebook through our Community Page, our Indonesia Group Page, our Malaysia Group Page, twitter, LinkedIn and finally this ESE Blog.
Other recent events
Throughout the year, Equal Student Exchange has continued to support grassroots student initiatives and in particular, those events which have supported students from developing countries. These events have included:
The 18th Asia-Pacific Model United Nations (AMUNC2012)
Equal Student Exchange was involved in the facilitating the participation of more than 100 international delegates in attendance at AMUNC2012. ESE was able to reach student groups from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand, Mexico and the U.S. Notably, it was Equal Student Exchange which was first able to reach the attention of the Pacific region. ESE successfully made contact with the student community of the University of the South Pacific (Fiji Campus). Because of ESE's contribution AMUNC2012 was the first Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Conference to engage with the Pacific.
The Conference of Developing Countries Partnership's Scholars and Academics 2012
In collaboration with the International Students Association of the Non-Aligned Movement (ISANAM-KNB) and Universitas Gadjah Mada, this conference was held as a forum for the discussion of the wide range of issues which are faced by the developing world. As a partner of ISANAM-KNB, ESE was proud to be involved in the promotion and in support of the event.
The First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS)
The AAYS was the first event of its kind to be held in Australia. The event has opened a new pathway for dialogue and collaboration between the many different student councils of Southeast Asia in Australia. Overall the AAYS can be seen as beginning a process of building a strong foundation of cooperation between the Southeast Asian student representative bodies in Victoria and more widely throughout Australia. 103 delegates attended the event.
The AAYS was driven through a joint effort from the South East Asian student council bodies of Victoria and Australia. This included the Malaysian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Singaporean and Thai student councils. For more information, visit our article on the post-summit coverage of the event.
Final reflections and thoughts for the future:
Through this past year, Equal Student Exchange has been proud to contribute to the international student community and especially those student groups from developing countries who hope to study overseas. We have been glad to expand our networks, in gaining partnerships, affiliations and awards. We hope that we can continue to make these positive contributions.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and how to become further involved in Equal Student Exchange. For further information see the about us section or simply contact us.
AAYS Post-Coverage
The First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit
Youth Leaders of Today, Nation Builders Tomorrow
Official AAYS coverage and outcome of the Summit - Nicholas Metherall
The First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS), held in Melbourne on the 28th of July, opened a new pathway for dialogue and collaboration between the many different student councils of Southeast Asia in Australia. The event involved raising awareness of ASEAN-Australia relations, the introduction of the ASEAN Student Council of Australia, thought-provoking discussion, cultural performances and the chance to meet many new friends from across the ASEAN region. Overall the AAYS can be seen as beginning a process of building a strong foundation of cooperation between the Southeast Asian student representative bodies in Victoria, and more widely throughout Australia. On the day 103 student delegates attended the event. There were large delegations from Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, each bringing more than 20 students from their respective student organisations. Medium sized delegations from Singapore (with 12 students), Thailand and the Philippines (6 and 7 students respectively) were also in attendance. The multicultural diversity of the summit was reinforced by modest delegations from Brunei. Australia was represented by the peak body of all tertiary students in Australia, the National Union of Students (NUS).
The organizers of the AAYS came primarily from the student representative councils of Southeast Asian Nations. The first rotational host of the AAYS was the Malaysian Student’s Council of Australia, Victoria (MASCA Victoria). The organizing team was also made up of the Indonesian Students Association of Australia, Victoria (PPIA Victoria), the Melbourne Overseas Vietnamese Student Association (MOVSA), Singaporeans of Victoria (SOV) and the Thai Students Association of Victoria (TSV). Alongside the AAYS Organizing Committee were a number of strategic partners who also made the event possible. These included the City of Melbourne, Contact Singapore and Brady Property Groups.
While in essence a youth summit run by students, the efforts invested in organising the event culminated in the presence of a number of distinguished guests ranging from high diplomatic officials and representatives from ASEAN Governments, to Academics from various educational institutions and student leaders. The list of attendees included the following guests and many more.
1. Australian Ambassador to ASEAN, H.E. Ms. Gillian Bird
2. Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, H.E. Mr. Primo A. Joelianto
3. Acting High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam, Ms. Rohayaty Yassin
4. Third Secretary of Indonesian Embassy, Mr. Dhani Eko Wibowo
5. Minister Councillor of Vietnamese Embassy, Mr. Quang Trung Nguyen
6. Consul of Indonesia for Victoria & Tasmania, Mr. Irmawan Emir Wisnandar
7. Indonesian Vice Consul for Victoria & Tasmania, Mr. Vitrio Naldi
8. Consul of Malaysia for Victoria, Dr. Mohd. Rameez Yahya
9. Second Secretary (Political) of the Singapore High Commission, Ms. Fiona Zhang
10. Director of Education Malaysia Australia, Dr. Jumiati
11. Melbourne City Councillor, Mr. Ken Ong
12. ASEAN Secretariat Representative, Senior Officer Deborah Tomasowa
13. Director of the Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Dr. Max Richter
14. Manager, Applied Research and Analysis of Asialink University of Melbourne, Dr. Sally Percival Wood
15. National Union of Students (NUS) President, Donherra Walmsley
16. Council of International Students Council (CISA) President, Mr. Aleem Nizari
17. Council of International Students Council (CISA) Treasurer, Ms Charlotte Wong
18. Australian Federation of International Students (AFIS) Secretary, Beryl Xu
The commonality found among all AAYS guests and delegates was a support for the ASEAN-Australia relationship. As Australia’s first Ambassador to ASEAN, Ms Bird emphasised the importance of the relationship. ASEAN’s “Emerging economies are predicted to experience a sustained long term growth.” As our immediate neighbour this makes ASEAN “enormously significant to our [Australia’s] economy…”
Many of those speakers at the event also emphasized the importance of connections at the ground level. According to Ambassador Bird, the importance of “people-to-people links” also becomes crucial in strengthening the relationship between Australia and ASEAN. This idea of people-to-people connections is becoming increasingly relevant amidst the growing numbers of international students coming from Southeast Asia to Australia.
ASEAN Secretariat Member, Ms Tomasowa spoke for the ASEAN member states when she said “We want to send our bright students here for a good education.” Indeed, Ms. Tomosowa emphasised the role of student exchanges as important in order to “establish a strong future relationship” between ASEAN and Australia. These ideas have already been clearly reflected by events such as the AAYS.
“The Youth summit is an excellent example of the power of education to bring people together.” stated Ms Bird. The ambassador expressed her hope that the AAYS would become an annual event.
The student representatives were also given voice throughout the day. There were a number of short introductions from some of the student councils represented within the organizing committee at the summit. There were a number of student bodies present at the AAYS:
1. The Malaysian Students’ Council of Australia, Victoria (MASCA Victoria),
2. The Indonesian Students Association of Australia, Victoria (PPIA Victoria),
3. The Melbourne Overseas Vietnamese Student Association (MOVSA),
4. The Singaporeans of Victoria (SOV)
5. The Thai Students Association of Victoria (TSV).
6. The Council of International Students (CISA).
7. The National Union of Students (NUS)
After the introductions, Ashley Toh (chairperson of MASCA Victoria) proceeded to present the ideas and vision of the ASEAN Students’ Council Australia (ASCA). Some of the purposes of ASCA included helping other Southeast Asian-based student communities to establish state and national level councils. Through doing so, ASCA hopes to establish a strong community of Southeast Asian student leaders in Australia.
To facilitate the discussion about education in ASEAN, the AAYS was privileged to have access to the insights of Dr Max Richter, Director of the Monash Asia Institute at Monash University.
Topics covered included current issues in education, how can these educational systems be improved and finally how can ASEAN students contribute toward building their own nations. After the cultural performances Dr Sally Percival Wood, Manager of Applied Research and Analysis at Asialink, University of Melbourne, led the next round of discussion. Some of the topics included Track II diplomacy, perceptions of Australia and ASEAN held at the ground level and also youth leadership. For some, the event represents the beginning of a significant “paradigm shift” in the words of project Team Leader, Afif Norzal. The shift can be seen as transforming the way in which international students in Australia interact and collaborate, especially those students coming from a Southeast Asian background.
While the next ASEAN Australia Youth Summit will not be held until 2013, the sense of ASEAN solidarity remains strong with a number of upcoming events.
Youth Leaders of Today, Nation Builders Tomorrow
Official AAYS coverage and outcome of the Summit - Nicholas Metherall
The First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS), held in Melbourne on the 28th of July, opened a new pathway for dialogue and collaboration between the many different student councils of Southeast Asia in Australia. The event involved raising awareness of ASEAN-Australia relations, the introduction of the ASEAN Student Council of Australia, thought-provoking discussion, cultural performances and the chance to meet many new friends from across the ASEAN region. Overall the AAYS can be seen as beginning a process of building a strong foundation of cooperation between the Southeast Asian student representative bodies in Victoria, and more widely throughout Australia. On the day 103 student delegates attended the event. There were large delegations from Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, each bringing more than 20 students from their respective student organisations. Medium sized delegations from Singapore (with 12 students), Thailand and the Philippines (6 and 7 students respectively) were also in attendance. The multicultural diversity of the summit was reinforced by modest delegations from Brunei. Australia was represented by the peak body of all tertiary students in Australia, the National Union of Students (NUS).
The organizers of the AAYS came primarily from the student representative councils of Southeast Asian Nations. The first rotational host of the AAYS was the Malaysian Student’s Council of Australia, Victoria (MASCA Victoria). The organizing team was also made up of the Indonesian Students Association of Australia, Victoria (PPIA Victoria), the Melbourne Overseas Vietnamese Student Association (MOVSA), Singaporeans of Victoria (SOV) and the Thai Students Association of Victoria (TSV). Alongside the AAYS Organizing Committee were a number of strategic partners who also made the event possible. These included the City of Melbourne, Contact Singapore and Brady Property Groups.
While in essence a youth summit run by students, the efforts invested in organising the event culminated in the presence of a number of distinguished guests ranging from high diplomatic officials and representatives from ASEAN Governments, to Academics from various educational institutions and student leaders. The list of attendees included the following guests and many more.
1. Australian Ambassador to ASEAN, H.E. Ms. Gillian Bird
2. Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, H.E. Mr. Primo A. Joelianto
3. Acting High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam, Ms. Rohayaty Yassin
4. Third Secretary of Indonesian Embassy, Mr. Dhani Eko Wibowo
5. Minister Councillor of Vietnamese Embassy, Mr. Quang Trung Nguyen
6. Consul of Indonesia for Victoria & Tasmania, Mr. Irmawan Emir Wisnandar
7. Indonesian Vice Consul for Victoria & Tasmania, Mr. Vitrio Naldi
8. Consul of Malaysia for Victoria, Dr. Mohd. Rameez Yahya
9. Second Secretary (Political) of the Singapore High Commission, Ms. Fiona Zhang
10. Director of Education Malaysia Australia, Dr. Jumiati
11. Melbourne City Councillor, Mr. Ken Ong
12. ASEAN Secretariat Representative, Senior Officer Deborah Tomasowa
13. Director of the Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Dr. Max Richter
14. Manager, Applied Research and Analysis of Asialink University of Melbourne, Dr. Sally Percival Wood
15. National Union of Students (NUS) President, Donherra Walmsley
16. Council of International Students Council (CISA) President, Mr. Aleem Nizari
17. Council of International Students Council (CISA) Treasurer, Ms Charlotte Wong
18. Australian Federation of International Students (AFIS) Secretary, Beryl Xu
The commonality found among all AAYS guests and delegates was a support for the ASEAN-Australia relationship. As Australia’s first Ambassador to ASEAN, Ms Bird emphasised the importance of the relationship. ASEAN’s “Emerging economies are predicted to experience a sustained long term growth.” As our immediate neighbour this makes ASEAN “enormously significant to our [Australia’s] economy…”
Many of those speakers at the event also emphasized the importance of connections at the ground level. According to Ambassador Bird, the importance of “people-to-people links” also becomes crucial in strengthening the relationship between Australia and ASEAN. This idea of people-to-people connections is becoming increasingly relevant amidst the growing numbers of international students coming from Southeast Asia to Australia.
ASEAN Secretariat Member, Ms Tomasowa spoke for the ASEAN member states when she said “We want to send our bright students here for a good education.” Indeed, Ms. Tomosowa emphasised the role of student exchanges as important in order to “establish a strong future relationship” between ASEAN and Australia. These ideas have already been clearly reflected by events such as the AAYS.
“The Youth summit is an excellent example of the power of education to bring people together.” stated Ms Bird. The ambassador expressed her hope that the AAYS would become an annual event.
The student representatives were also given voice throughout the day. There were a number of short introductions from some of the student councils represented within the organizing committee at the summit. There were a number of student bodies present at the AAYS:
1. The Malaysian Students’ Council of Australia, Victoria (MASCA Victoria),
2. The Indonesian Students Association of Australia, Victoria (PPIA Victoria),
3. The Melbourne Overseas Vietnamese Student Association (MOVSA),
4. The Singaporeans of Victoria (SOV)
5. The Thai Students Association of Victoria (TSV).
6. The Council of International Students (CISA).
7. The National Union of Students (NUS)
After the introductions, Ashley Toh (chairperson of MASCA Victoria) proceeded to present the ideas and vision of the ASEAN Students’ Council Australia (ASCA). Some of the purposes of ASCA included helping other Southeast Asian-based student communities to establish state and national level councils. Through doing so, ASCA hopes to establish a strong community of Southeast Asian student leaders in Australia.
To facilitate the discussion about education in ASEAN, the AAYS was privileged to have access to the insights of Dr Max Richter, Director of the Monash Asia Institute at Monash University.
Topics covered included current issues in education, how can these educational systems be improved and finally how can ASEAN students contribute toward building their own nations. After the cultural performances Dr Sally Percival Wood, Manager of Applied Research and Analysis at Asialink, University of Melbourne, led the next round of discussion. Some of the topics included Track II diplomacy, perceptions of Australia and ASEAN held at the ground level and also youth leadership. For some, the event represents the beginning of a significant “paradigm shift” in the words of project Team Leader, Afif Norzal. The shift can be seen as transforming the way in which international students in Australia interact and collaborate, especially those students coming from a Southeast Asian background.
- The ASEAN-Australia Agenda is now spread from the South-East Asian-based councils to the grass-roots level. This includes affiliated SEA-based university societies. ASCA will work closely with SEA-based councils to facilitate the communication between societies in different universities.
- Integration of the Bruneians and Filipino student communities. These groups were not the members of the ASEAN-Australia Agenda at the time of its founding due to the small number of students in Victoria. However, they have already taken the first steps towards integration. ASCA has been in close communication with these groups to assist the formation of state councils for these two ASEAN student communities.
- This has resulted in the establishment of Filipino Australian Student Council, Victoria (FAStCo Victoria) for the Filipino students in Victoria.
- The Summit also catalysed the enactment of a regular meeting of ASCA to be held on a fortnightly basis.
- Relationships were deepened not only between student groups but also between the ASEAN students and the respective ASEAN embassies and consulate general offices.
- The announcement of the 2nd ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit to be held in Melbourne in 2013. The 2nd AAYS will be opened up to all states to allow the ASEAN-Australia Agenda to spread more effectively across Australia.
While the next ASEAN Australia Youth Summit will not be held until 2013, the sense of ASEAN solidarity remains strong with a number of upcoming events.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
The First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS)
First ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS)
On the 28th of July, Melbourne will host the 1st ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS). The event, concerned with issues which affect our region will be unique in that it is the first of its kind to be held in Australia. It will be jointly hosted by the Victorian student councils of Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand. It is hoped that this participation will help develop strong ASEAN student leader communities and also facilitate closer cooperation between these groups and Australia. As a result, the event will also give students from Australia an important role to play. Applicants from Australian student bodies such as the National Union of Students (NUS), as well as individual students are invited to apply for a chance to represent Australia at the summit.
Need for an ASEAN-Australia Agenda
Too often in the past, many events in Australia
organized by various ASEAN student bodies have been overly focused on participants from their own countries.
This has been mainly due to the funding constraints as well as the absence of an organization with the capability to bridge the gap. Moreover, there has not been much
interaction between the international student leaders and Australian student
leaders. Thus,
the ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit (AAYS) endeavours to connect ASEAN and Australian youth leaders in
Australia together, via the ASEAN-Australia Agenda. The founding members of the Agenda
are MASCA Victoria (Malaysians), PPIA Victoria (Indonesians), MOVSA
(Vietnamese), TSV (Thais) and SOV (Singaporeans). We have also gotten the
support from the national councils of the ASEAN communities mentioned above.
The Agenda aims to:
1. Establish a strong community of ASEAN youth leaders in
2. Strengthen the ASEAN-Australia relations, especially at the
youth leader level
3. Enhance ASEAN identity in Australia
1st ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit
ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit is a key
initiative of the ASEAN-Australia Agenda to ensure its sustainability. MASCA
Victoria is honored to be the host of the very first Youth Summit. The hosting right
will be rotated among the already-existing four councils (and more after more
councils are formed) in the subsequent years. Having the hosting right means
that the Project Leader will be appointed by the hosting organisation, but the
other positions will be opened up to the public for contest, encouraging
collaboration in organising the Youth Summit itself, because collaboration is
the main purpose of ASEAN-Australia
The main purposes of ASEAN-Australia Youth Summit are:
1. To provide the first platform for
leaders of ASEAN-root and
Australian student bodies to meet each other
2. To enable discussion about potential
collaboration opportunity
Date: 28 July 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 8.30am - 5pm
Venue: Melbourne CBD
Apart from the Australia
Ambassador to ASEAN, Gillian Bird, Ambassadors and High Commissioners of
all the ASEAN countries, there will be 100 student delegates who
are student leaders in various ASEAN-based peak representative councils and
affiliated university organisations, and also outstanding individuals who will
be selected via a competitive selection process. Programme of the day can be
viewed here.
ASEAN Students' Council Australia (ASCA)
The founding members are also in the preparation to form a
national body for the ASEAN students in Australia, namely the ASEAN Students'
Council Australia (ASCA). It will be the liaison and representative body for
all the ASEAN students, working closely with the existing ASEAN-based peak
representative councils at state and national level. The Pro Tem Council will
be launched during the Youth Summit.
For more
information please visit the AAYS website
Or contact us at:
Monday, 18 June 2012
Conference of the Developing Countries Partnership’s Scholars and Academics 2012 (UGM and ISANAM-KNB)
The conference will be held in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Between the 12th and 13th of September 2012. The Objective is to provide a forum for dialogue among government officials, policy makers, stakeholders, civil society organizations, students, lecturers and media practitioners from the developing countries concerned with emerging challenges the region. The conference aims to revitalize solidarity in facing the issues of human security and its correlations with the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Call for Papers
The organising committee is calling for papers on all categories from students, lecturers, other academia, and the general public. The topics cover various disciplines interested which contribute ideas and knowledge towards the theme of the conference. Presenters and participants are invited to engage with any of the relevant topics which address these issues of security we face.
The conference will discuss many different aspects of human security challenges facing developing countries and their implication for MDGs. Successful as well as unsuccessful stories will be recounted so that other countries can learn from them. It is hoped that this conference will contribute towards achieving the targets of the MDGs and act to reinforce more partnerships and build new forms of cooperation to address the challenges of human security in the developing countries.
Interested persons can download the Application-forms and read more about the conference here on our blog. Completed application forms can be submitted online to the contact persons: hanum.salsabila@gmail.com, nelly_joku@yahoo.com
will enjoy the following benefits
Certificates, conference kids, snacks,
free bicycle ride around Universitas Gadjah Mada during the course of the
conference. Most importantly, participants will gain access to a gate-way of cooperation building and networking between national and international students, university and government
keynote speech of the conference will be delivered by Prof. Pierre Sane, Former Assistant Director General of
Ebrima Sarr
President of ISANAM (KNB)
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
The 18th Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Conference (AMUNC2012)
Individual delegate registrations
At 9.00am
AEST this morning, we officially opened our doors to those individual delegate
hopefuls wanting to register for the 18th Asia-Pacific Model United
Nations Conference (AMUNC2012). With individual registrations now open, we
encourage all interested followers of Equal Student Exchange to make sure that
their home university and country are
represented at AMUNC2012. For those of you who are interested in the
conference follow this link to register via the AMUNC website.
Key details
- Who? Over 600 university students from all over the Asia-Pacific and beyond
- What? An international conference for debating global issues within 23 simulated United Nations committees. Participants will be addressed by eminent speakers; and gain access to lively evening socials
- When? A 5 day conference running from Sunday the 8th of July until Wednesday the 13th of July
- Where? La Trobe University, Bundoora Campus in Melbourne, Australia.
- Why? Thought provoking debate, inspiring speakers, exciting social events, and an invaluable networking opportunity to meet aspiring students from throughout the Asia-Pacific. A chance to meet many new friends.
18 year history of the conference:
Since its
inauguration in 1995 as a primarily Australian conference, international
interest towards AMUNC has gradually grown throughout the past decade. The 18th
Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Conference hosted at La Trobe University
promises to be the most internationally representative AMUNC ever held.
Theme of AMUNC2012
This year the
theme of AMUNC is Rights, Recognition,
and Responsibility. The theme reflects the importance of asylum seeker and
refugee rights, the recognition of those rights and the responsibility of
Member States of the UN to respect and uphold those rights. For the
secretariat, this theme has come to hold a particularly international
resonance. Asylum seeker and refugee rights are global issues which bear particular
relevance for the Asia-Pacific Region. Indeed, it is the belief of the
Secretariat that all Asia-Pacific Member States have a shared responsibility to
recognise the rights of asylum seekers and refugees. With regional partnerships
becoming increasingly important in safeguarding these human rights, AMUNC2012
has placed a much greater emphasis on raising international participation
throughout the Asia-Pacific Region.
The wider significance of AMUNC
simultaneously deepening and widening international participation, AMUNC2012
stands to be a landmark conference. The unprecedentedly high number of already
registered delegates coming from overseas will no doubt create an environment
which is more conducive to the development of internationally aware, skilled
future leaders. As a truly international conference, the conditions for
networking will be conducive to the establishment of enduring international,
educational and professional linkages throughout the Asia-Pacific.
The resulting
context will be perfect for a conference based around discussion, cooperation
and mutual respect and understanding.
Nicholas Metherall
Under-Secretary General for International Links and
Friday, 6 April 2012
Scholarship Programs to Australia
AusAID awards
Australia-Indonesia Institution
Endeavour Awards
Australia-Indonesia Institution
High School Exchange Programs (murid SMA)
Seni Saraswati Art Program
Islamic Leadership Program (Islam)
Bridging program (Mullumbimby video conference program)
Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP)
18 Participants between 21-25 years old.
- Cultural immersion (home-stay)
- Magang (internship)
Journalism Award (Elizabeth O'Neil)
- 1 interview from Indonesia
- Travel to Australia for 2-3 weeks/
- Perform briefing and reporting.
This award is open to print, television, radio and online media organizations.
Monday, 5 March 2012
A taste of global culture
Australia’s most accessible multiculturalism has been captured in a big city which retains that “small-city feel”. Four main waves of migration have created a diversity where 140 nations live side by side. Hosting over a million international visitors each year,[1] Melbourne is well placed as an international city. Melbourne’s leading educational institutions attract students from all over the world. Almost 55 per cent of students living and studying in the city are international students[2] and almost 41 per cent of the inner city population was born outside of Australia. As a result international students will not feel out of place as visiting scholars. The Australian Government and many academic institutions provide scholarships and programs which are designed to enhance dialogue, cooperation and mutual respect and understanding between Australia and the international community.
Cultural capital
The cultural capital of Australia, Melbourne is known for its art, music, cuisine, fashion, performance, design and creative ideas. Indeed the city is home to countless art galleries, museums, libraries, theatres, musical performances and live gigs. Coincidentally, Melbourne was the second city after Edinburgh to be named a UNESCO City of Literature.[3] Within a student exchange program you also gain many opportunities to enjoy cultural experiences outside of the classroom. Evenings out, exploring a wide range of nightspots, up flights of stairs, down graffiti covered laneways, on rooftops or in an orchestra pit; you will never be short of options for a new cultural experience.
Heritage and cityscape
While the Melbourne of today presents a sense of community which respects diversity and change, the city still holds a reverence for its unique character and heritage. This is clearly reflected in the high levels of heritage protection dedicated towards ornate Victorian-era, Euro-style architecture. Heritage also protects the older carriages which make up the Melbourne’s iconic tram network. Contrasting with the vast 471 hectares[4] of leafy green parkland throughout Melbourne, are the narrow winding labyrinthine laneways which sprawl away from the bustling corporate city centre. Laneway and cafĂ© culture are also characteristic of the unique atmosphere found within Melbourne.
Indigenous culture
In welcoming you to Melbourne, it is important to also respectfully acknowledge the heritage of the land and its rightful ownership. The city is actually built on the traditional land of the Kulin Nation more commonly known by its European name “Melbourne”. The land has in the past been an important meeting place and location for events of social and cultural significance for the many traditional Indigenous Australian tribes which make up the Kulin Nation. The City of Melbourne respects this unique historical and cultural heritage and collaborates with its Indigenous community in the development of many strategies to support and expand Indigenous culture throughout Melbourne and beyond.[5]
Combining the modern, international, cultural, heritage and indigenous aspects of Melbourne, we hope that international students will find it to be a welcoming, globally cultured and thought provoking city.
Article from Nicholas Metherall,
currently studying International Relations at LaTrobe University, Melbourne
[1] http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/AboutMelbourne/MelbourneProfile/Pages/CityofMelbourneprofile.aspx
[3] ^ "Cities Appointed to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network". UNESCO. Retrieved 4 August 2010.
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About Me

- Equal Student Exchange
- "Equal Student Exchange" (ESE) - non-profit/grassroots community, is a student network made up of students who want to help make international student exchange a more equal process. We hope to do this by assisting students from developing countries gain access to information and opportunities about studying/vocational experience overseas. Our audience is primarily students who want to study/travel overseas. The information we provide may include advice about: *International Universities, *Costs and fees (travel/living/study), *Procedures for obtaining Visas, *Possible support through scholarships and grants, *General tourism information, *Other study overseas opportunities Programs and conferences overseas. *international conferences Benefits and Opportunities: This is an opportunity to bring local and international students together, make new friends and give students from developing countries the same opportunities that are enjoyed by students from advanced developed countries. The group also encourages international students to contribute back to the university and community which is hosting them.